Minting Guide

Your guide to the metajungle 🎋

Important : Make sure metamask is downloaded. If not, here is the link to it.

Release date: The minting will go live on 20th of January at 6:pm UTC time.
 Connecting MetaMask Wallet to the Website:

Connecting your wallet to our website through Metamask

  1. Make sure your wallet is set to Avalanche network (C-chain). To configure it, follow the steps on this link. Here are the network settings in case you already know.

2.Click on the wallet sign on the top right of the screen.

3.Proceed with the following steps by clicking the blue button :

4. You should be connected by now to our website, and you can check that our address is now visible on the top right. Clicking on it redirects you to snowtrace, to be able to view transactions.

Minting your Pandavax to finally become a pandaxian !

  1. Once you are connected, scroll down to the minting part on the main page

  2. Slide to change the number to whichever you wish

  3. Click on Mint !

  4. Once mint button is clicked, it will change to busy. You should wait for the transaction to be made and then you're all set ! You can then check your nft in the collection page of the website or in any of our marketplace partners such as Tofu NFT, kalao and yetiswap.

  5. In case the minting wasn't successful, you can still change the gas fees. Or else let us know !

Last updated